Kundalini Activation
With kundalini activation you are being invited to connect with your true & authentic self again. The body is a vessel, when we allow ourselves to surrender & to peel of all the layers, pure magic happens. We connect to our authentic soul, realising that we do not live on this beautiful planet that is called Mother Earth, in fact that we are planet Earth.
Channeled as innerdance by Pi Villaraza, he explained that when activation is taking place, light is being sent to the brains which can cause these kind of movements.
It does not happen with everyone as everyone is a different person and being, some see Colors, some are travelling through different lifetimes, some are getting clear visions and so on and so on.
It is pure magic, and something you need to experience for yourself. The funny thing was that this proces was already activated through my work even before this training took place. And now it make so much sense, movement is my medicin, this is how I make, spread and transform energy for myself and others.
The feeling afterwards is being in a calm & relaxed state of mind, your life energy is flowing again & you fall in love with life allover again. <3
Because I really believe in the fact that with a few sessions you can work towards the goals you’d like to receive through energy work I am offering this to you. So I am also offering this in a soulguidance which is called : IKIGAI
price :
one private session : 160 euro
two private sessions : 300 euro
Connect deeply
Find your Balance
Life is a journey
“T. V.
I did a Kundalini Activation this summer and all throughout the summer I felt the energy flowing. Julie is the ideal person to guide this; she takes time and guides you step by step. Immediately I was immersed in the love and compassion and had a new clear vision and focus.”
“Annelien Sercu
Julie is voor mij persoonlijk een mentor. Zij voelt mij perfect aan zelfs zonder woorden. Deze vrouw kom je geen twee keer in jouw leven tegen. Ze is uniek en zet jou telkens opnieuw in jouw kracht. Ik deed een kundalini activatie bij haar. Waaaaw. Een ongelofelijke ervaring. Mijn hele lichaam kwam in beweging en was duidelijk klaar om heel veel los te laten. En dat gebeurde ook want Julie laat jou ALTIJD veilig voelen. Het vertrouwen naar haar toe is heel groot. De soulguidance die erna volgde gaf mij het vertrouwen dat ik nodig had. Ik probeer iedere dag het licht toe te laten. En kies liefde boven angst. Dat leerde ze me. Eeuwig dankbaar voor onze ontmoeting en deze ervaring. ❤️”