All Paths Are True


"Life can be hard , sometimes it can be a struggle and you feel like you need some change in your life. Change is always good!"

Something has drawn me all the way to India.
My husband pushed me and I just followed it.

Yes I'm a mom and it was not easy to leave my family, but with the support of my husband we did it. I honestly can say I became a better mom and person, I'm following my path now like I should.

This combination of my life experience, analogue double exposures and yoga are a perfect match.

Trying to escape the world we're living in, to create our world within ourselves"


You could describe this work as my lifework.

These pictures are printed largescale, they only exist in one piece so you could definately call them : `piece unique` 

Dia's are ANALOOG made with LEICA M6 as they are original doubleexposures made with my camera, not with photoshop.